Good Sunday morning, Friends! I am so excited that the sun is out and shining brightly!! It was supposed to rain and snow a little today but I don't think that it will. Yea!!! Spring is trying to fight its way to us. I just know it! It was kind of depressing to hear the weather man say that last year at this time our high was 66 degrees and that we wouldn't even reach 45 degrees today. UGH! But it is so nice to see the sun! I can't believe the Olympics are over today. It sure has been fun watching them. I am looking forward to the hockey game this afternoon!
Today's card is one that I did a while back. I used an old inspiration sheet for the layout. It's really very simple! Thanks for stopping by and have a super Sunday!
Card Recipe: Stamps- Go Green, Solid Stripes; Paper- Always Artichoke, Mellow Moss, Kraft; Ink- Always Artichoke; Accessories- Always Artichoke grosgrain, gold brad, sponge, dimensionals