Friday, January 18, 2013

SFF 011813

Good morning, Friends! We are headed off to Vegas for the weekend! Nick has a soccer tournament there. Should be lots of fun! I did want to stop in and show off the newest challenge from Sketch Frenzy Friday! This week's sketch was created by Jennifer Weide. Take a look!

Circles, circles, and more circles! Love it!! Doesn't it look FUN?? And what a fun time to work in some different patterns of designer paper! Take a look at what I came up with!

I used the Sycamore Street designer paper to help me create this card. I also used Summer Starfruit and Tangerine Tango card stock to help balance it out. The circles are punched with the 2 1/2", 1 3/4", 1 3/8, 1 1/4", and 1" circle punches. The two smaller circles are popped up onto the card (card base of Whisper White). I punched a butterfly from Rich Razzleberry with the Elegant Butterfly punch and a butterfly from Summer Starfruit with the Bitty Butterfly punch. These are layered with a brad through the center and then adhered to the card. I stamped the sentiment from Sweet Essentials in Rich Razzleberry onto the card. Easy! 

Be sure to check out what the other designers did with this fun sketch by going to the Sketch Frenzy Friday blog! I do hope you will play along with us this week! It is always so much fun to see what you all come up with! Thanks for stopping by and have a super day!

Card Recipe: Stamps- Sweet Essentials; Paper- Whisper White, Rich Razzleberry, Summer Starfruit, Tangerine Tango, Sycamore Street designer paper; Ink- Rich Razzleberry; Accessories- circle punches (2 1/2", 1 3/4", 1 3/8", 1 1/4", 1"), Elegant Butterfly punch, Bitty Butterfly punch, silver brad, dimensionals


  1. Very pretty card. I like how you used the two different butterfly punches.

  2. Great card! Love the paper you used.

  3. Great take on the sketch. The designer paper you used is perfect. The layered butterflies finish the card nicely.

  4. I love this dsp and your use of it in this week's sketch. Really fun card!

  5. What a pretty combination of colors and textures!
