Saturday, September 6, 2008

Clean & Simple

Good Saturday morning! Ihave to make this quick. Our son has his first soccer game this morning and we are supposed to be there early to set up. And we haven't gotten him out of bed yet!! YIKES! One thing about our son... he LOVES his sleep! He has never been one of those kiddos who wakes up at the butt crack of dawn (thank you, Lord!).
Today's card is one that I came up with by combining sketches and pictures. Actually, I think that I just kept playing until this emerged. It seemed like it still needed something but my friend, Becky said she thought it was fine the way it was. I might have punched out some flowers with my Three For You punch and then popped those up. That would have been cute, too! Anyway, here is what the final result was and I like it fine. Have a great weekend! Talk more later!
Card Recipe: Stamps- Eastern Blooms; Paper- Chocolate Chip, So Saffron, Really Rust, Very Vanilla; Ink- Chocolate Chip, Really Rust markers; Accessories- gold brads, Chocolate Chip wide grosgrain

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the simple elegance of this card! It is absolutely gorgeous! You do not need to change a thing on it. It's just perfect! :D
